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2018 - 07 - 12
Number of clicks: 122
First of all, the chemical method is mainly used to form the color of the film by chemical oxidation in a specific solution. However, it is necessary to conduct the reference ratio to ensure the final...
2013 - 12 - 11
Number of clicks: 66
Zirconia ceramics with phase transformation toughening and microcrack toughening, so has high strength and toughness, known as 'ceramic steel', its fracture toughness is the highest in all cer...
2018 - 07 - 09
Number of clicks: 51
Zirconia oxygen sensor is used to measure the content of oxygen in the flue gas of large supercritical boiler furnace with zirconia ceramic sensor. It is a large number of boiler oxygen content measur...
2018 - 07 - 03
Number of clicks: 51
With the development of LED display technology and the deepening of customer awareness, new customers are increasingly demanding the stability and reliability of LED display. Therefore, in order to me...
2013 - 12 - 11
Number of clicks: 57
The global retail price of LED bulbs fluctuated in January, according to the LED retail price survey, with the global average price of LED bulbs replacing 40W incandescent bulbs rising about 4 per cen...
2013 - 12 - 11
Number of clicks: 71
As is known to all, the main raw material of alumina ceramic sheet is alumina, which has certain unique advantages. It is known that alumina ceramic plate is a kind of material with high thermal condu...
Hot News / Hot Products
2018 - 07 - 12
First of all, the chemical method is mainly used to form the color of the film by chemical oxidation in a specific solution. However, it is necessary to conduct the reference ratio to ensure the final...
2013 - 12 - 11
Zirconia ceramics with phase transformation toughening and microcrack toughening, so has high strength and toughness, known as 'ceramic steel', its fracture toughness is the highest in all cer...
2018 - 07 - 09
Zirconia oxygen sensor is used to measure the content of oxygen in the flue gas of large supercritical boiler furnace with zirconia ceramic sensor. It is a large number of boiler oxygen content measur...
2018 - 07 - 03
With the development of LED display technology and the deepening of customer awareness, new customers are increasingly demanding the stability and reliability of LED display. Therefore, in order to me...
2013 - 12 - 11
The global retail price of LED bulbs fluctuated in January, according to the LED retail price survey, with the global average price of LED bulbs replacing 40W incandescent bulbs rising about 4 per cen...
2013 - 12 - 11
As is known to all, the main raw material of alumina ceramic sheet is alumina, which has certain unique advantages. It is known that alumina ceramic plate is a kind of material with high thermal condu...
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Handset: 0755-86238834 
  Address: 1st F, Bld 8, Nangang 2nd Industrial Area, Nanshan, Shenzhen,China 518055 
Equipment Detection equipment
Testing equipment
Case name:Testing equipment
说明: 据2011年中消协公布的上半年投诉受理分析显示,质量投诉占到了总投诉量的半数以上。在所有受理投诉中,家用电子电器类投诉占到总投诉总量的两成多。在针对家电质量的投诉中,家电“过保就坏”成为消费者抱怨的主要原因。 据悉,家电“过保就坏”与家电产品本身更新换代速度有着很大的关系。 据空调制冷大市场调查显示,家电更新换代的一个显著特点就是,功能的显著增加。就如,原先的电视只能够看固定的电视节目,现在的却增加了互联网功能、智能功能和3D功能等。一个小小的加湿器,不仅有加湿功能,还增添了音乐功能。而这几年家电的利润已经远没有早些年的利润空间大。为了在激烈的竞争中存活,一些非品牌小企业在利用价格优势外也在不断增加家电的功能。然而在功能增加的同时,技术往往不过硬,结果导致功能越多,反而在后期使用过程中越容易出毛病。作为商家,最终追求的是取得商品利润的最大化。然而作为消费者,追求的是物美且价廉的家电产品。家电生产商既要赚取更多的利润,又要压低成本以适应市场竞争。如何解决,从政治经济学的角度上,追求新产品的研发和款式只是解决问题的一个方面。解决问题的另一个方面只能从产品本身着手。据记者了解,从去年以来,在铜价和钢材原材料上涨的压力下,许多家电生产商家都在着手寻找铜和钢材的替代品,有的干脆用铝替代铜来降低产品的价格。使用替代品以后,家电的使用安全寿命缩短也就成为很自然的事了。
Testing equipment
Case name:Testing equipment
说明: “要推行好家电以旧换新政策,拆解企业十分关键。去年我省未纳入第一批试点省份,原因就是当时的家电拆解能力不能达到国家的要求。 ”在我省家电以旧换新政策培训会上,省商务厅副厅长张光建说。作为家电大省,家电以旧换新对扩大内需、推动我省家电产业发展的作用不言而喻。因此,自去年以来,我省加快了家电拆解项目的建设,迎头补上“短腿科目”。目前,全省达到国家家电拆解要求的拆解企业已有15家。截至6月18日记者发稿时,环保厅初步选出5家拆解企业,交由省政府做最终确定。据介绍,有关部门今后将视旧家电回收情况增加指定的拆解企业。 达到国家有关标准的我省拆解企业,现在的拆解能力又如何呢?省环保厅污防处副调研员姚晓群告诉记者,以目前我省拆解企业的水平来看,尚不能将旧家电进行彻底、深度地拆解。其中有些家电零部件拆下后,囿于技术局限性,可能无法提炼出其中的贵金属。拆解企业会将这部分材料运往下游企业进行进一步分解。滁州超越新兴废弃物处置有限公司是环保厅这次初选的5家拆解企业之一。该公司副总经理蒋龙进告诉记者,公司目前拥有各种处理设备和辅助设备60多台套,具有年处理2万吨工业、医疗废弃物及拆解废旧电子电器产品的能力。以冰箱为例,该公司采取机械、人工相结合的拆解方式,目前的拆解能力为400至500台/天,一年拆解十几万台旧电器不成问题。 “我们在接收到旧家电后,首先进行详细分类,对家电中可回收利用的部分,如塑料,进行造粒,做成原料;对于金属则压块回收。而目前不可利用的部分,如冰箱中的发泡层,我们有自己的焚烧炉,将对此进行环保无害化处理。如遇无法提炼的家电材料,我们会送到其他有条件的企业进行分解。 ”蒋龙进说。有资料显示,旧家电中1吨电子板卡中可以提炼得到453克黄金,而普通含金矿石(砂)中每吨平均只能提取2克左右。此外,旧家电中铜、锡等贵金属的含量同样惊人。 有业内人士估算,废旧家电回收利润在20%以上,蕴含...
Testing equipment
Case name:Testing equipment
说明: 行业背景      光电LED行业是一个新兴产业,近年来呈现出迅猛发展的态势,产值指标一路“扶摇直上”。随着人民币汇率上涨,原材料和人力成本的不断攀升,市场竞争日趋激烈。各种新技术、新方法、新设计、新产品层出不穷,企业竞争核心由快速响应能力演变为技术创新能力,产品研发成为了企业竞争的主战场。几乎所有成功的光电LED企业都是研发项目管理的领跑者,一套优秀的研发管理体系对企业的高速运营和获得持续竞争力发挥着强大的支撑作用,是企业升级转型的加速器,在缩短研发项目周期、降低成本、增加价值及提升技术创新能力等方面为企业带来诸多益处。       管理困惑      产品研发管理是极具挑战性的工作,面临市场、客户的压力,需要与内外部的各部门协调,这对项目经理和项目成员都提出了更高的要求。在研发项目管理中,管理者常常面临着如下困惑:      1、没有以市场为导向,产品研发滞后市场需求      2、不清楚产品研发的全过程,各环节衔接不畅      3、技术评审流于形式,设计变更随意性大      4、项目关键节点难以有效控制,项目质量不高      5、团队沟通不畅,士气不高;跨部门协作不畅      6、领导无法全面掌控项目状况,决策缺乏数据支持      7、资源没有合理...
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