Hotline: 0755-86238834
  / About Hard

       Shenzhen Hard Precision Ceramic CO.,Ltd founded in 2007, located in Shenzhen of China. We are a company that integrates development, design, molding, sintering, production and sales of precision ceramic products. After 10 years of development, we have cooperated with more than 2000 customers and 60 universities; our factory covers an area of 2000 square meters, 50 employees, and annual production value of nearly 20 million. We have a higher visibility and better reputation in the same industry.

       Compared with metals material, ceramic materials have excellent properties such as high hardness, high strength, high temperature(fire) resistance, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, acid and alkali resistance, oxidation resistance, insulation, nonmagnetic, good chemical stability and other excellent performance, so it is often used in the environment of the metal material is not up to. Advanced ceramics application prospect are very widely. It’s widely used in aerospace, aviation, military industry, nuclear power, machinery, textile, chemical, electronic, food, medical, etc. Our advanced ceramic products made of zirconia, alumina and silicone nitride etc.

         Our products include ceramic rods, tubes, plates, blocks and precision parts for industrial. We have all-line high precision equipments from ceramic forming, sintering to precision machining. Hope for a wide range of sincere cooperation with customers at home and abroad.

Product Center The product provides custom service
Contact us
Tel: 0755-86238834 
  Address:1st F, Bld 8, Nangang 2nd Industrial Area, Nanshan, Shenzhen,China 518055 



  First-class quality

We have precision processing equipment, such as precision plain grinding, CNC, laser cutting, etc., with the highest accuracy up to 0.01 to 0.002 mm

Precision testing equipment, such as: roughness meter, second element detector, micron (0.001 mm) micrometer

Precision analysis equipment, such as: 0.01 g density instrument, HV vickers hardness tester, bending strength tester, etc

  Rapid delivery

The delivery time is as short as 3 days. We actively face the delivery time of customers and try to control the delay rate to 2%

The warehouse has a large number of various specifications of ceramic materials, can be quickly processed products

Strong production and processing capacity, more than 10 molding and sintering equipment, precision processing equipment more than 50

  Affordable price

Hard not only has the advantage of precision processing, but also the advantage of blank forming and sintering, and the price has greater competitiveness

Rich manufacturing experience gives us the advantage of higher efficiency and lower cost

Efficient management level allows employees to work for themselves to further improve efficiency and reduce costs

  Quality service

Hard has a wide range of services, to map, to sample, to customize processing

Experience in the application of various ceramic materials can help designers to analyze and select suitable ceramic materials, such as: alumina, zirconia, silicon nitride, aluminum nitride, silicon carbide, machinable ceramics, etc

Can be based on customer demand, Germany and Japan and other foreign powder production

  Professionalism and strength

Hard precision ceramics was founded in 2007. We have accumulated a lot of professional knowledge and have talents in various aspects related to ceramics

We cooperate with hundreds of colleges and universities at home and abroad, and we have more than 2,000 customers across the country to choose our products

We have customers in Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Europe, the United States and other countries and regions

  Ability display / We have more than 70 sets of advanced moulding, sintering, processing and testing equipment
Explain: 财政部公布了第四批《废弃电器电子产品处理基金补贴企业名单》。连同此前公布的三批,目前共有107家被纳入基金补贴范围,北京市共有三家:华新绿源环保产业发展有限公司(简称“华新环保')、伟翔联合环保科技发展(北京)有限公司和北京市危险废物处置中心,其中香蕉皮是华新环保旗下的回收网站。 虽然我国家电回收行业正规军的规模再次扩大,但是整个回收行业的尴尬仍然没有解除:正规军不敌游击队,很多正规回收企业面临着无米下锅的窘境。任露介绍说,依据不完全统计,北京一年产生的废弃电子电器物在一千万台左右,但真正到正规回收企业的只有三百多万台,更多的是被游击队回收进行不正规的处理。 这种情况并非仅限北京地区。根据《中国废弃电器电子产品回收处理及综合利用行业白皮书2013》内容显示,2013年我国“四机一脑”合计理论报废量为10980.18万台,但纳入补贴名单的处理企业的实际拆解处理量刚刚达到4000万台,处理量不足报废量的四成。 在任露看来,游击队直接冲击到回收行业,一来游击队的散户体系比较庞大,远远高于正规行业,第二是游击队的综合回收成本非常低。正是因为游击队的存在,很多回收正规军在收购不到原料的情况下不得不频频停产。
Explain: 国家工商行政管理总局9月4日宣布,从现在起到2015年底,将在全国范围内对家用电子电器、服装鞋帽、装饰装修材料、交通工具、有关服务等重点领域开展消费维权工作。近年来,有关家用电子电器的申诉一直居消费申诉总量首位。工商部门将以家电、通讯器材、电脑等商品为重点,集中解决商品质量参差不齐、售后服务无保障、维修服务质量差等突出问题,依法查处以假充真、以次充好、虚假标注等违法行为。 服装鞋帽是大众化日常消费品,引发消费纠纷的几率较大,特别是儿童服装的质量关乎下一代健康成长。工商部门将以服装鞋帽、儿童服装、儿童用品等商品为重点,集中解决标识标注不规范、质量不达标、存在安全隐患等突出问题。当前,一些劣质装饰装修材料存在严重安全隐患,危及公众健康。工商部门将以人造板及其制品、木器涂料、内墙涂料、胶粘剂、陶瓷地砖等装饰装修材料和家具等商品为重点,集中解决违反装饰装修材料有害物质限量标准要求的质量安全问题。 近期,电动自行车超速、超重,汽车配件假冒伪劣所引起的交通事故不断发生。工商部门将以汽车灯具、刹车片、制动软管等汽车配件和电动自行车等商品为重点,集中解决不符合安全标准、没有产品合格证等突出问题。
Explain: 据2011年中消协公布的上半年投诉受理分析显示,质量投诉占到了总投诉量的半数以上。在所有受理投诉中,家用电子电器类投诉占到总投诉总量的两成多。在针对家电质量的投诉中,家电“过保就坏”成为消费者抱怨的主要原因。 据悉,家电“过保就坏”与家电产品本身更新换代速度有着很大的关系。 据空调制冷大市场调查显示,家电更新换代的一个显著特点就是,功能的显著增加。就如,原先的电视只能够看固定的电视节目,现在的却增加了互联网功能、智能功能和3D功能等。一个小小的加湿器,不仅有加湿功能,还增添了音乐功能。而这几年家电的利润已经远没有早些年的利润空间大。为了在激烈的竞争中存活,一些非品牌小企业在利用价格优势外也在不断增加家电的功能。然而在功能增加的同时,技术往往不过硬,结果导致功能越多,反而在后期使用过程中越容易出毛病。作为商家,最终追求的是取得商品利润的最大化。然而作为消费者,追求的是物美且价廉的家电产品。家电生产商既要赚取更多的利润,又要压低成本以适应市场竞争。如何解决,从政治经济学的角度上,追求新产品的研发和款式只是解决问题的一个方面。解决问题的另一个方面只能从产品本身着手。据记者了解,从去年以来,在铜价和钢材原材料上涨的压力下,许多家电生产商家都在着手寻找铜和钢材的替代品,有的干脆用铝替代铜来降低产品的价格。使用替代品以后,家电的使用安全寿命缩短也就成为很自然的事了。
Explain: “要推行好家电以旧换新政策,拆解企业十分关键。去年我省未纳入第一批试点省份,原因就是当时的家电拆解能力不能达到国家的要求。 ”在我省家电以旧换新政策培训会上,省商务厅副厅长张光建说。作为家电大省,家电以旧换新对扩大内需、推动我省家电产业发展的作用不言而喻。因此,自去年以来,我省加快了家电拆解项目的建设,迎头补上“短腿科目”。目前,全省达到国家家电拆解要求的拆解企业已有15家。截至6月18日记者发稿时,环保厅初步选出5家拆解企业,交由省政府做最终确定。据介绍,有关部门今后将视旧家电回收情况增加指定的拆解企业。 达到国家有关标准的我省拆解企业,现在的拆解能力又如何呢?省环保厅污防处副调研员姚晓群告诉记者,以目前我省拆解企业的水平来看,尚不能将旧家电进行彻底、深度地拆解。其中有些家电零部件拆下后,囿于技术局限性,可能无法提炼出其中的贵金属。拆解企业会将这部分材料运往下游企业进行进一步分解。滁州超越新兴废弃物处置有限公司是环保厅这次初选的5家拆解企业之一。该公司副总经理蒋龙进告诉记者,公司目前拥有各种处理设备和辅助设备60多台套,具有年处理2万吨工业、医疗废弃物及拆解废旧电子电器产品的能力。以冰箱为例,该公司采取机械、人工相结合的拆解方式,目前的拆解能力为400至500台/天,一年拆解十几万台旧电器不成问题。 “我们在接收到旧家电后,首先进行详细分类,对家电中可回收利用的部分,如塑料,进行造粒,做成原料;对于金属则压块回收。而目前不可利用的部分,如冰箱中的发泡层,我们有自己的焚烧炉,将对此进行环保无害化处理。如遇无法提炼的家电材料,我们会送到其他有条件的企业进行分解。 ”蒋龙进说。有资料显示,旧家电中1吨电子板卡中可以提炼得到453克黄金,而普通含金矿石(砂)中每吨平均只能提取2克左右。此外,旧家电中铜、锡等贵金属的含量同样惊人。 有业内人士估算,废旧家电回收利润在20%以上,蕴含着巨大宝藏。不过要想从旧家电中挖出宝藏,拆解企业先期购置设备的投入也较大。氧气切割机、压块机、电缆电线剥皮机、塑料造粒机、烘烤分解设备、电子拆解系统、废物高温裂解焚烧炉等设备都不可缺少。家电以旧换新政策出台以后,由于广大市民的热情非常高,拆解企业可能还会面临迅速增加的旧家电拆解需求。对此,蒋龙进表示,公司已经意识到这一问题,目前正在针对家电以旧换新进行进一步的扩大拆解处置能力和人员培训工作。“因为...
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Application industry / Application in aerospace, textile, chemical industry, electronics, food, medical treatment More
number of clicks: 117
Date updated: 2015 - 04 - 02
1. Make tools with ceramic materialsIn machining of metal materials, machining is the most basic and reliable method of precision machining. In modern machining, ceramic tool materials play more and more important roles in high speed cutting and difficult cutting materials due to their excellent heat resistance, wear resistance and chemical stability. Ceramic tool material mainly includes alumina, silicon nitride and theron series. Other ceramic materials such as zirconia and titanium boride are also used as tool materials.2. Alumina seriesPure alumina ceramics contain more than Al 2 O 3 99%, with low strength, poor thermal shock resistance and fracture toughness. Carbide, nitride and boride materials have high strength and hardness and can be used as the reinforcing phase in Al 2 O 3 cera...
number of clicks: 164
Date updated: 2014 - 11 - 15
1. Ceramic circuit boardWith the development of automobile industrialization, the automobile industry also ushered in the largest explosion in history. Since 2009, China has replaced the United States as the world's top automobile sales market. At present, the automobile industry is developing towards electronic and intelligent development. As the information source of automobile electronic control system, automobile sensor is the key component of automobile electronic control system, which is regarded as the main direction of future development by more and more automobile manufacturers.Automobile sensor is the input device of automobile computer system. It converts various working conditions information in automobile operation, such as speed and temperature of various media, into elec...
number of clicks: 157
Date updated: 2014 - 11 - 15
The main application of zirconia ceramic materials in medical instruments1. Application in atomizerThe zirconia ceramic material has high toughness, good thermal insulation, not easy to damage, and good stability. The zirconia atomizer adopts the integrated zirconia ceramic smoke nozzle, which can support the atomization operation of multiple air intake holes and generate large amount of smoke.2. Application of zirconia ceramic plungerThe high-precision zirconia ceramic plunger is used for clinical use, and is compressed by static pressure technology, which can prevent the shedding between ceramic materials and metal cores, with high hardness and low thermal conductivity, and can withstand high temperature and corrosion resistance up to 2000 degrees. The working face of zirconia ceramic pl...
number of clicks: 181
Date updated: 2014 - 11 - 15
Ceramic armorAdvanced ceramic materials are used in lightweight, durable bulletproof clothing against medium caliber guns. The bulletproof clothing mainly consists of the clothing cover and the bulletproof layer. Suits are often made of synthetic fabrics. The bulletproof layer is made of metal, ceramic sheet, FRP, nylon (PA), KEVLAR, ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene Fiber (DOYENTRONTEX Fiber), liquid protective materials and other materials to form a single or composite protective structure. The bulletproof layer can absorb the kinetic energy of the warhead or shrapnel, and has obvious protective effect on the low-speed warhead or shrapnel, and can reduce the injury to human chest and abdomen under the control of certain depression. The body armor includes the infantry body armor, ...
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Ceramic material
  • 2018 - 07 - 12
    Number of visits: 123
    First of all, the chemical method is mainly used to form the color of the film by chemical oxidation in a specific solution. However, it is necessary to conduct the reference ratio to ensure the final consistency of the color.Second, the high temperature oxidation method, the workpiece must be kept within the scope of the process, and then it must be directly soaked in a specific good molten salt
  • 2013 - 12 - 11
    Number of visits: 66
    Zirconia ceramics with phase transformation toughening and microcrack toughening, so has high strength and toughness, known as 'ceramic steel', its fracture toughness is the highest in all ceramic, but the highest hardness is alumina ceramic, zirconia it has the features: 1, zirconia ceramic hardness close to the natural diamond, lighter than metal, has never wear, don't change color gem features such as; 2. Extremely high hardness
  • Number of visits: 123
    2018 - 07 - 12
    First of all, the chemical method is mainly used to form the color of the film by chemical oxidation in a specific solution. However, it is necessary to conduct the reference ratio to ensure the final consistency of the color.Second, the high temperature oxidation method, the workpiece must be kept within the scope of the process, and then it must be directly soaked in a specific good molten salt
  • Number of visits: 66
    2013 - 12 - 11
    Zirconia ceramics with phase transformation toughening and microcrack toughening, so has high strength and toughness, known as 'ceramic steel', its fracture toughness is the highest in all ceramic, but the highest hardness is alumina ceramic, zirconia it has the features: 1, zirconia ceramic hardness close to the natural diamond, lighter than metal, has never wear, don't change color gem features such as; 2. Extremely high hardness
  • Number of visits: 52
    2018 - 07 - 09
    Zirconia oxygen sensor is used to measure the content of oxygen in the flue gas of large supercritical boiler furnace with zirconia ceramic sensor. It is a large number of boiler oxygen content measurement equipment, simple structure, rapid response, accurate measurement and other advantages.Zirconia probe is the use of stable cubic zirconia ceramic in the above 650 ℃ environment produce oxygen ionic conduction properties and design, in a certain temperature conditions, if the zirconium dioxide gases on either side of the block ceramics exist in different oxygen concentration in the zirconium dioxide oxygen ion migration in ceramic, by zirconium dioxide leads on both sides of the electrode, measurable to stable millivolt level signal, we call it the oxygen potential. The sensor device cons...
  • Number of visits: 53
    2018 - 07 - 03
    With the development of LED display technology and the deepening of customer awareness, new customers are increasingly demanding the stability and reliability of LED display. Therefore, in order to meet the requirements, the manufacturer must design a more reliable LED display.At present, the LED display industry standard "general standard SJ/T11141 LED display, in the industry standard and the electronic measuring instrument reliability test GBll463 2 s to determination of test reliability of LED display, in fact it is difficult to realize the MTBF of no less than 10000 hours of the reliability requirement, more can't meet the requirements of high reliability of LED display screen. In order to make LED display with high reliability, the supporting product materials should be grea...
  • Number of visits: 19
    2018 - 07 - 13
    Zirconium oxide ceramic materials are usually made by cutting, grinding, grinding and polishing of blank materials. This process requires mechanical processing. The mechanical processing properties of zirconia ceramics include cutting, grinding, grinding and polishingZirconium oxide ceramic cutting, grinding, grinding and polishingZirconia ceramic cutting has three methods: fixed abrasive cutting, free abrasive cutting and single edge cutting. The application and development of high performance industrial ceramics is based on the three-phase composite ceramic material ZTA.Plastic deformation of zirconia ceramicsZirconium oxide ceramics have no plastic deformation at room temperature, and its compressive strength is large, while its tensile strength, flexural strength and impact strength ar...
  • Number of visits: 22
    2018 - 07 - 13
    Zirconium oxide ceramics, as a kind of special industrial ceramics, have been used in various fields, and the feedback of its quality and performance is very good. To obtain zirconium oxide ceramic materials, the first thing to do is to conduct performance quality inspection to ensure that all aspects can meet the standard specifications and be put into use in a qualified state. So how to test the quality of zirconia ceramic materials?Quality inspection of zirconia ceramic materials1. Substrate dielectric constant: 30;2. Inspection materials: zirconia ceramic materials;3. Drop of steel ball: 20g steel ball falls to the center of ceramics with a diameter of 10mm at a height of 50cm. Ceramic materials are placed on rigid planar marble three times.4. Pencil hardness: greater than or equal to ...
  • Number of visits: 20
    2018 - 07 - 12
    Silicon oxide ceramics technical solutions silicon oxide ceramics technical solutions silicon oxide ceramic technology solutions silicon oxide ceramics technical solutions silicon oxide ceramics technical solutions silicon oxide ceramic technology solutions silicon oxide ceramics technical solutions silicon oxide ceramics technical solutions silicon oxide ceramic technology solutions silicon oxide ceramics technical solutions silicon oxide ceramics technical solutions silicon oxide ceramic technology solutions silicon oxide ceramics technical solutions silicon oxide ceramics technical solutions silicon oxide ceramic technology solutions silicon oxide ceramics technical solutions silicon oxide ceramics technology solution solution oxidation silicon oxide ceramic technology Silicon ceramic t...
  • Number of visits: 16
    2018 - 07 - 02
    Zirconium oxide ceramic ware is a kind of widely used ceramic, because of its superior performance, it has been used more and more widely in modern society, meeting the needs of daily use and special performance. Generally, zirconia ceramic parts can be ground and polished with Al203 powder or diamond drill paste of Zirconium oxide ceramic is a ceramic material with alumina as the main body, used in thick film integrated circuit. Zirconia ceramic parts have good conductivity, mechanical strength and high temperature resistance. It should be noted that ultrasonic washing is required.After sintering, some zirconia ceramic parts need to be refined. Products that can be used as artificial bone require a high surface finish, like a mirror, to increase lubricity.As zirconia ceramic parts have hi...
Ceramic technology
  • 2013 - 12 - 11
    Number of visits: 57
    The global retail price of LED bulbs fluctuated in January, according to the LED retail price survey, with the global average price of LED bulbs replacing 40W incandescent bulbs rising about 4 per cent a month, while the price of LED bulbs replacing 60W incandescent bulbs fell 4.3 per cent. Entering a New Year, brand manufacturers will launch new strategies, such as Korean brand factories continue to adopt the parity strategy in the European and American markets.Regions instead of 40 w product price performance, regional price differences, among them, the British because of commodity sales promotion season ended, the partial products sharply raised the price, the rest is a small increase, so the price growth of 14% in January, and Germany, the United States, South Korea and other regions h...
  • 2013 - 12 - 11
    Number of visits: 72
    As is known to all, the main raw material of alumina ceramic sheet is alumina, which has certain unique advantages. It is known that alumina ceramic plate is a kind of material with high thermal conductivity and high insulation, with a thermal conductivity of 25W/m.k and a pressure resistance of 13KV. (the thermal conductivity of silicon film is 0.6w /m.k and a pressure resistance of 2KV), it has become the best choice for high-power equipment due to its excellent performance and high cost performance.Where is the application of alumina ceramic sheet? Mingrui ceramics are introduced in detail:1. It is very hot to touch the pipe by hand, and aluminum oxide ceramic pieces can be used when the heat dissipation pieces are not heated.2. After the product is sold, for a long time, the customer r...
  • Number of visits: 57
    2013 - 12 - 11
    The global retail price of LED bulbs fluctuated in January, according to the LED retail price survey, with the global average price of LED bulbs replacing 40W incandescent bulbs rising about 4 per cent a month, while the price of LED bulbs replacing 60W incandescent bulbs fell 4.3 per cent. Entering a New Year, brand manufacturers will launch new strategies, such as Korean brand factories continue to adopt the parity strategy in the European and American markets.Regions instead of 40 w product price performance, regional price differences, among them, the British because of commodity sales promotion season ended, the partial products sharply raised the price, the rest is a small increase, so the price growth of 14% in January, and Germany, the United States, South Korea and other regions h...
  • Number of visits: 72
    2013 - 12 - 11
    As is known to all, the main raw material of alumina ceramic sheet is alumina, which has certain unique advantages. It is known that alumina ceramic plate is a kind of material with high thermal conductivity and high insulation, with a thermal conductivity of 25W/m.k and a pressure resistance of 13KV. (the thermal conductivity of silicon film is 0.6w /m.k and a pressure resistance of 2KV), it has become the best choice for high-power equipment due to its excellent performance and high cost performance.Where is the application of alumina ceramic sheet? Mingrui ceramics are introduced in detail:1. It is very hot to touch the pipe by hand, and aluminum oxide ceramic pieces can be used when the heat dissipation pieces are not heated.2. After the product is sold, for a long time, the customer r...
  • Number of visits: 25
    2018 - 07 - 13
    Q: sintering cracking of pure zirconia ceramics? Grouting method of zirconium oxide, the natural air-dry after 3 days in the high temperature furnace, respectively by 3 ℃ / min and 5 ℃ / min up to 1450 ℃, four hours heat preservation, cooling, are craze, seek a solution.A: this is a paragraph about the forming and sintering technology of zirconia that I read in the book. I hope it will be of some help to you.Powder preparation, due to the high hardness of stable zirconia, usually in the steel ball mill, ball ink after acid washing, and then water clean neutral, drying.It is formed by grouting. The above materials are used to configure the neutral mud in the porcelain ball grinding tube. Material: ball: water: glue (gum Arabic) = 1:1.5:0.6:0.15.The raw material requires zirconia oxide powde...
  • Number of visits: 13
    2018 - 07 - 09
    Although zirconia ceramic is a kind of material that is not easy to separate, it will undergo certain deformation under certain external force action, and this deformation is reversible, that is, once the external force on zirconia ceramics is removed, the original shape can be restored.If it is a metal material, it usually goes through two stages of elastic deformation and plastic deformation before fracture under the static tensile load at room temperature. However, zirconia ceramic materials will not be like this, it generally does not appear plastic deformation stage, brittle fracture immediately after elastic deformation of extremely small strain, elongation and surface shrinkage are almost zero.As far as metal materials are concerned, even very brittle cast iron has good tensile stre...
  • Number of visits: 34
    2018 - 07 - 06
    The hardness of zirconia ceramics is close to that of natural diamond, lighter than metal, and it has the characteristics of never wearing and changing color. 2, high
  • Number of visits: 22
    2018 - 07 - 03
    Zirconia oxygen sensor is used to measure the content of oxygen in the flue gas of large supercritical boiler furnace with zirconia ceramic sensor. It is a large number of boiler oxygen content measurement equipment, simple structure, rapid response, accurate measurement and other advantages.Zirconia probe is the use of stable cubic zirconia ceramic in the above 650 ℃ environment produce oxygen ionic conduction properties and design, in a certain temperature conditions, if the zirconium dioxide gases on either side of the block ceramics exist in different oxygen concentration in the zirconium dioxide oxygen ion migration in ceramic, by zirconium dioxide leads on both sides of the electrode, measurable to stable millivolt level signal, we call it the oxygen potential. The sensor device cons...
  • Number of visits: 18
    2018 - 07 - 03
    Zirconia ceramics are characterized by phase change toughening and microcrack toughening, so they have high strength and toughness. It is known as "ceramic steel".1. The hardness of zirconia ceramic is close to that of natural diamond, lighter than metal, and it has the characteristics of never wearing and never changing color.2. Extremely high anti-wear, anti-oxidation, never rust, never change color, never cause skin allergy;3. The degree of insulation, free from metal and plating pollution, is the ideal environmental protection material for the watch industry;4. The density and color ceramic watch case, watch ring, watch plate, watch button, watch case and other products are extraordinary in texture and vision.5. The product is hard and incomparable, beautiful and durable, doe...
  • Number of visits: 18
    2018 - 07 - 02
    Zirconia ceramics are characterized by phase change toughening and microcrack toughening, so they have high strength and toughness. It is known as "ceramic steel".1. The hardness of zirconia ceramic is close to that of natural diamond, lighter than metal, and it has the characteristics of never wearing and never changing color.2. Extremely high anti-wear, anti-oxidation, never rust, never change color, never cause skin allergy;3. The degree of insulation, free from metal and plating pollution, is the ideal environmental protection material for the watch industry;4. The density and color ceramic watch case, watch ring, watch plate, watch button, watch case and other products are extraordinary in texture and vision.5. The product is hard and incomparable, beautiful and durable, doe...
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About us / Company Profile
Shenzhen Hard Precision Ceramic CO.,Ltd founded in 2007, located in Shenzhen of China. We are a company that integrates development, design, molding, sintering, production and sales of precision ceramic products. After 10 years of development, we have cooperated with more than 2000 customers and 60 universities; our factory covers an area of 2000 square meters, 50 employees, and annual production value of nearly 20 million. We have a higher visibility and better reputation in the same industry.       Compared with metals material, ceramic materials have excellent properties such as high hardness, high strength, high temperature(fire) resistance, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, acid and alkali resistance, oxidation resistance, insulation, nonmagnetic, good chemical stability and other excellent performance, so it is often used in the environment of the metal material is not up to. Advanced ceramics application prospect are very widely. It’s widely used in aero...
High precision testing equipment
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Address: Shenzhen, Baoan, central China, Baoyuan Road, F518 15 fashion and creative garden 3 stories
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Watson Lin
Shenzhen Hard Precision Ceramic Co.,Ltd 
Address:Bld 1-403, Mingliang Technology Park, Nanshan, Shenzhen, China 518054
Phone/Whatsapp/Skype/Wechat: 86 13824333832
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